My goal for last week was to not binge and purge for 5 days. I only purged one day out of seven, but the binges were a little more frequent.
I got sick halfway through the week, so I figured I wouldn't be too hard on myself in regards to binging- I also thought that my illness would make me less inclined to eat. Well, I definitely felt less like eating. And I definitely ate more than normal.
The b/p goal for this week is to not binge because I'm hungry.
That has been a hard one in the past for me, especially when I was restricting myself and hungry all the time. It's only one of the reasons I binge, but I think it could eliminate a few incidents.
My trait goal went well. I managed to think of 7 to post and every single post made me feel good about myself. My new non b/p goal will be to make 5 healthy decisions every day. They can be regarding anything- food, exercise, sanity, school... but I have to make the decisions and write them down. I don't think I'm going to post about them- maybe I will at the end of the week, but we'll see.
What are your goals for the week?
My goal for this week is not to purge. It's so hard though... congrats for your last week and good luck on your new one.