Thursday, July 26, 2012


I just finished reading Aimee Liu’s book Gaining. It was a very interesting book, full of great personal anecdotes from the author as well as many many people who have recovered from eating disorders. The book really treats eating disorders as serious diseases, and gives the problem the respect it deserves. It also addresses multiple perspectives on eating disorders, from the causes to the recoveries to the behaviors. It was a great read, simply because I could see myself in every page. What the book didn’t do was give me motivation to recover. Lots of the recovered anorexics, including the author, from the looks of her picture, are still very thin, and many sound like they’re rather attractive. Recovery from anorexia seems so much safer than recovery from bulimia, because it you’re anorexic then you have leeway to gain some weight. If you’re bulimic, you’re already a normal weight, so…
My current plan is to ride out the rest of the summer, maybe try hard to lose weight before I head back to school, but once school starts, I want to eat as little as possible.  
Who am I kidding? I’ve only failed at losing weight so far. 


  1. Bulimia is often seen as not as serious as Anorexia. Which is very frustrating when all these books and articles rant and rave about the health risks of Anorexia but always seem to sideline Bulimia. I suffered from Bulimia before I got caught up in Anorexia and I only found the articles on Anorexia as my failure to be "skinny" they never made me think my own illness was a danger. But then I did slip into Anorexic habits and it proved to me that whatever ED you have, whatever size you are it is deadly serious. Being Bulimic never made me happy and neither did Anorexia. It sounds like, though a good book you've been triggered by it to loose weight. Please don't. I know it's all very well me begging you to not do it but try to counter your thoughts. Bulimic recovery is different from Anorexia recovery in that it is about breaking a cycle of binging/purging rather than refeeding.Both require gaining new coping skills to combat our distorted views on ourselves. Sorry this is such a long message! I'm rooting for you :) xxxx

  2. I really don't think we have failed until we stop trying. It's all about finding the balance - and when we do that, things get easier.

    hang in there.


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