Monday, February 4, 2013

Goals of the Week 29

I promise I'll read all your blogs soon! I've been extremely busy but I'm going to try to read later today. 

My b/p goal was to follow my meal plan for at least 4 more days. And I can say I definitely did that. I had two slight binges on Saturday and Sunday, but no purging whatsoever! If I make it through this Wednesday, it will have been my first time ever with no purging for two weeks that wasn't supplemented by extreme binging. I have to say that not purging feels really good. Even on the days that I binged, I had no desire to purge. I can sing again! I feel better about life, and ready to tackle all the busywork (and horrible math) my classes require. 
My goal for this week is to not eat dessert on a single day. Not a single bite on a single meal. Allowing myself to have dessert just leads to more and more of it going into my stomach as the week progresses, so I'm going to try to take a break from it. 
My non b/p goal was to have 3 positive interactions with people, even if I didn't know them very well. I can say I did that, but I didn't really have to try this week. So I'm going to keep up with that and make sure I get those interactions in no matter what. This week my non b/p goal will be to not weigh myself. I did horribly with that last week, so I need to try harder. 
What are your goals?


  1. Well done Emily
    I think it's great that you make goals every week and try to meet them
    It inspires me to make goals too
    My goal this week is to keep an honest food log
    I tend to not be completely honest when I show my logs to Mary, I think I'm ashamed
    But I'm going to make an effort this week

    Take care my dear x

  2. Congrats on no purging!! That's great! The no dessert goal sounds really hard..

    My goals for this week are to meet people and stick to my meal plan!

    Good luck with everything this week! <3

  3. I am so so so happy to hear you are doing well - your entry put a smile on my face :) Going to strive to do the same as you!

    I've only just (re-re-re-re-)recognised that I need to change my life around (this time it's for good. See my blog), so my first goal this week is to contact the local ED clinic to start treatment. I've recognised triggers but it's harder than I thought to NOT cave in - any advice?

    I look forward to hearing more about your progress

    Smiley Princess xxx

  4. Way to kick some ass girl. That's awesome. When you stop purging, it's amazing how you feel. I'm glad that you are getting to experience that. And I'm happy to hear that you had positive interactions without even trying. That's wonderful. I also wanted to let you know that I read your short story and I absolutely loved it. I don't know how I didn't come across your blog sooner. Sounds like you're doing really well.

  5. So please I stumbled across your blog, I haven't had time to read much of it but I wanted to say hello and thank-you before I had to run. It's so amazing to find like-minded souls out there sharing their stories too!! I'll be back later to read more about you and your journey...but it's so great you're taking the positive steps to getting better.

    Keep up the great work!
    Love and best wishes, Hope :) xx

  6. Hello todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! How did you do today? Still singing, still buzzing? I hope so, BECAUSE I COMMENTED ON YOUR BLOG AND THAT IS WORTH A CONCERT. Jokes. Seriously I'm so up myself sometimes. But I'm awesome so that's ok.

    Let me know how you're doing!

    Princess xxx

  7. This was such a wonderful read! You are doing amazing! Keep at it :)


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