Monday, May 20, 2013

Goals of the Week 44

First of all, thank you to everyone who responded to my last post!
I responded in the comments, and I wanted to say that everyone's responses made me feel relieved and closer to you all. It was just a good feeling all around. 
Second, I started my new job today! I'm working at an old-folks home this summer, and it seems like it's going to be very fulfilling. Today the most hands-on thing I did was hand out cups to people, but after lunch two residents came up to me and told me I did a great job helping.

As for goals...
My b/p goal last week was to stop eating food after 9 PM. Ha. Ha. Ha. I did that 0 days out of seven. I don't think I'm going to try it again this week. My goal will be to not binge on dinner/dessert. The way I will accomplish this is by distracting myself after dinner, going up to my room to be out of the way of food, using thought restructuring, and making meal plans. 
My non-food goal was to get 30 minutes of exercise every day. I didn't want to, because I was binging the entire week, but I made myself. My goal for this week will be to make a list of mini goals for each day. I don't know if I'll need it because now that I'll be working I'll have more structure, but it never hurts. 

In other news, I tried to secretly sign up for therapy. The intake eval is this Wednesday.
What are your goals?


  1. <3 you're astounding. and i don't think people should have a set time for consuming food anyway. i mean i ate yesterday at nearly midnight and its something i do often you know?
    and omg good luck on therapy
    i...don't know. try not to drop intake too far and have to start all over again? thats just it. the depression is really horrid with the ED that i really cannot recover the same way as i have before.
    -Sam Lupin

  2. I'm cooking at an assisted living facility this summer so yay for jobs with the elderly! :D I think despite having to cover my piercings and wearing a hair net I'll like it. :)

    Hey, the nice thing about goals are that you can set and complete new ones all day every day for the entirety of life. Yay for working out even when you didn't want to! My goal has been to find a job and I did that so I'm hoping my depression will ease with my wheels back to turning. My other one is to continue eating when I'm hungry. Learn body signs. Still learning. <3

  3. Good luck with your goals this week. My favorite part of your first goal is meal plans. I'm just a structure/organization junkie, and I love making meal plans.
    Would using awareness techniques help at all? For example; to remind yourself before dinner what you're planning to eat, why you're going to eat it, and what it'll do for your body and mind. It helps me get out of stressful situations where I'm likely to not eat at all if I panic, and I figure it could maybe help with binge urges too.

    And I love mini goals. I constantly have a to-do list planned, sorted by importance/order of accomplishing, broken down by each day etc.. It really helps me keep my thoughts straight for what I need to do.

    My goals for this week (I actually have some this week, omg!):
    - Cut my smoking in half again by next Tuesday
    - No daily intakes below 900 calories (dietician-approved)

    I hope you have a fantastic and productive week. You can do this!

  4. Gl with your goals hon :)

    This week I want to:
    Get to the gym 4 times to make up for the days I lost last week
    No binging

  5. I think going for counseling is a good idea for anyone. I really think if people were able to talk openly about what is really going on in life we would feel better overall. I know being home from school was very stressful for me and therapy helped me keep the big picture in sight when my family would drive me crazy.

  6. I hadn't even of thought of setting weekly goals. Now that I think about it, my goals for this week would be to get down into the 160s officially, run 2 more times this week with the bf, and catch up on my ab workouts and p90x. <3

    Stay strong!


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