Saturday, May 11, 2013


Do you ever lie awake, trembling at the certainty that your loved one does not care for you? Your mind is pacing. You can't stop thinking about the way he tersely said goodnight. You would do anything to take back all your mistakes. 

Of course, it's all in your head because he does love you. He wasn't terse, you just imagined the message that way. And he was gone because he was traveling. 

My fear is that one day it won't just be me being crazy. 


  1. I have felt/feel that way sometims also. It is amazing how our mind goes right to the worst case and we are sure that is what's wrong. As life has shown us normally it is all in our head. I think we are also better prepared for when shit does hit the fan because we have already imagined the worst.
    Besides what could be worst than our worst fears?

    1. Yes, this is true. Unfortunately it doesn't make the present more pleasant.

  2. I feel that way all the time... It's horrible. Just try to remind yourself that he DOES love you. Xx And remember to breathe.

    1. Thanks :)
      I will definitely take your advice. Relaxation breathing can be a big help sometimes.


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