Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sher Locked

Lately I've been obsessed with someone. No, not my boyfriend (although I love him to the ends of the earth). This someone doesn't even exist, he's just a character. But since when does that stop people from crushing?
Sherlock Holmes.

If you haven't seen Sherlock I suggest you watch it because it is literally the best TV show I've ever seen. Of course, it helps that episodes are an hour and a half long.
The stories are engaging, it's humorous, the characters are believable. And not only that, but the show looks fabulous. I have only ever been impressed by type on screen in Stranger than Fiction and these episodes.
And of course Benedict Cumberbatch is damn sexy. I wish he'd always wear his hair like that, it looks so good. His voice is glorious as well. It's that perfect blend of broody, mysterious intelligence. 

Who else likes Sherlock, either the actor, character, or show?
Who's your insane character crush? 


  1. Eeeeek yes, yes, and more YES. Benedict Cumberbatch is amazeballs. Literally. I know he's kind of old(er) but God, I would. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the big words. And the hair. Wow, the hair.

    TOO excited about the new season coming soon. I've been trying to figure out the ending of the last episode for too long already. As if I wasn't crazy enough.

    Hope <3 x (findyourfix.blogspot.com)

  2. This is my friends blog from Hungary, Léna.


    And I love your blog, too!


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