Sunday, August 17, 2014

Have a Happy Room

I’m all moved in! My dorm is right above a starbucks and a work-out room, so I should have no excuse to be unhealthy. It feels so good to be back at school. Freeing, because there’s not a kitchen crammed with food around the corner, and happy because I’m reunited with my friends.
I started making schedules, and I plan to be extra prepared for everything this year. Let’s just hope it sticks! Let’s hope it sticks for long enough, anyway.
I think that I want to make my room a bright spot in my life this year. I’ve never managed to make it one before. Freshman year I was a horrible roommate so I spent all my time in my boyfriend’s room. Sophomore year I put a giant box on my bed and never unpacked it because I knew I would spend all my time in Robert’s room. Junior year I was afraid of my suitemates so I never bothered to do much with my room. It was a mess for most of the year.
This year I’m not searching fervently for someone to date, so I plan to spend a lot of time in my room. I want to make it a happy place. A place people would love to visit.
So I’m going to paint. So far I’ve put up a picture of a sexy carrot that I drew for someone, and a poster of me and my brother that we got at a party. On my door I cut out pieces of watercolor paper in the shape of my name and painted them yellow with purple flowers on the bottom. I don’t have any more painting paper though, so I’ll have to stick to making magnets for my mirror for a while.
How do you decorate your room or make it a homey place? Does it help you feel safe? 


  1. I wish I could go back to school, it sounds so good! I think it's a wonderful idea to make your dorm a bright spot in your life, I think it's really important and affects our moods. Your decorating sounds fantastic already! I love making my room feel safe, and cosy, with fairy lights and lots of blankets and furnishings, and scented candles!

  2. I liked nesting in our new apartment so I have a bookshelf with all my favorites in the living room and old photos of my family and friends. I love having pieces of both of us scattered around like his telescope and his guitars, my spiderman shower curtain and my lizard. It's comfy and happy. :D

  3. Well I live in a house, but I decorate with lots of pictures, of me and my boyfriend, or our dogs, or friends/family. I love pictures and it makes it feel homey. I also love anything comfortable, you know, pillows, blankets, things like that, that make you feel like you can cuddle up and relax. So part of that this year, was buying a new couch and new pillows and blankets for it.
    It does make me feel safe and relaxed.


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