Monday, July 15, 2013

Goals of the Week 51

My goal last week was to eat normally 4 days in a row. I didn't do that by a long shot: I only had one normal day this week. BUT I only purged one day. And I didn't have a true binge on some of the other days. I guess you could call them small binges. So it's an improvement. 
My goal is the same as last week: eat normally 4 days in a row. I can do it, I know I can. I still have all that motivation, and I won't be at home to eat dinner with my triggering family. 
The sub-goal for this week is that whenever I want to binge I need to give myself permission to overeat. I did this last week and it led to small binges. Anything's better than eating an entire box of swiss rolls. Giving myself permission to overeat does not make me feel good, but it makes me feel better than binging and purging would. And sometimes it's necessary to overcome the urges I have to eat and eat and eat. 

My non b/p goal for last week was to write out the answers to these questions:
1. What does Ed want me to do today?
2. What do I need to do to be in recovery today?

I did that for about 4 days, so I'm going to do it again, starting today. It did help. It helped me separate out Ed from me, and I don't really know why I stopped halfway through the week. Probably because I was tired. Or because my friend came over and dominated my time. I hate that I had to go out and eat with him. I don't like eating restaurant food. I just want to eat safely. 

What are your goals? 


  1. Keep working at it love. Only purging one day is amazing progress. Try to remember that it is normal to overeat sometimes. 'Normal eating' can be leaving the rest of the cookies because you know you can have some tomorrow, or it can be eating an extra cookie or two because they taste so good, y'know? Do you have an outline for what makes a 'normal' day of eating?

    My goals are to eat with my family more often, and to finish sewing my dress.

    Have a lovely week Emily <3

  2. Good job! You've made a great start. You seem to be very motivated, which is great! :) Just keep up the good work~

    My goal is similar to Bella's: I am trying to socialize and eat with other people more often, without being afraid of what I'm eating.

    Stay strong!

  3. I'm so proud of you girl! Never undermine any accomplishment, big or small. It's all a recovery win.

    My goal is to break it clean off with Tong,wbi h he informed me it was done done if I didn't come over at 7, and also to keep a positive attitude and trust God.

  4. im proud of you you beautiful beautiful girl x
    I just wanted you to know that. i'd wish I can think right now but I can't (it's 1.30am and I had a massive cry) so i'm just going to sit here and just let you know I took the time to tell you that I think you are wonderful and truly inspiring x

    -Sam Lupin


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